Update :D
So there's not much to say here cause it feels like I've not been to college in ages.
Over reading week I had the plan to finish up my presentation, complete my mini-portfolio stuff for Edinburgh uni and write my PLP, and in stunning turn of events I actually stuck to my plan. Horray!! Pop open the champagne and unleash the confetti!
I finished up my presentation pretty early and I quite like how it looks and I now have plenty of time for practise so I'm happy with how that's worked out.
I submitted my mini-portfolio last night, I mean I'm not all that hopeful that I'll get in but I did put in effort to the images I submitted so maybe there is some small slim chance, who knows.
And with the PLP I'm sort of happy with how it's going, this isn't the final one yet so I think it'll be a little more refined by the time I need to submit it. I'll be talking to my mentor soon so I think I'll be a bit happier after that.
So that's all I really have for now
Hopefully my next post will be a little more interesting :P
Róisín -x
Research Week!
So seeing as this is the first week there's not much to report here except that I'm doing some researchy things and doing some mind maps in my sketchbook :D So I'm basically keeping on just keeping on right now.
The things that I have researched so far is some stuff on the runistic Irish language of Ogham that my lecturer suggested that I look at, and so far I have found it really interesting and am thinking about adding a bit of this into my work. I've also looked into the ways that people try to get noticed online through social media, looking at this I had a thought of editing photos etc to the tips that I have found online, for example apparently lighter pictures on Instagram get the most likes.
So anyway like I said not much to talk about here, but here's some of the pages in my sketchbook that I've finished so far :)
So anywayz I'll see yous all next week with hopefully some more arty stuff this time :)
Róisín -x
Research File Begins
So this week I've really got my head down ad have began researching stuff, and printing stuff an highlighting stuff. Exciting I know.
The next couple of posts are gonna have a similar story as I am going to get all necessary research done in the first month I have for this project so that I have a good foundation to base the rest of Studio Practice 2 on.
So the bulk of my research has been about the ideas about legacy and how and why we want to be remembered. I have also been looking at the idea of narcissism and the human ego.
Here's the stoof I've put in my sketchbook this past week :)
So just another short update this week,
byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee,Róisín -x
More Research!!
So this is currently the last week I have planned for research I think I might need to continue on with some research but not quite as intense as I am eager to actually start developing some of my ideas.
Any way my artist research is well on the way to being done, I just need to finish off my annotation which will be done with over and done with soon hopefully as I know exactly what I'm going to say as I've already typed out my artists on here.
So here's what the pages that I've done this week for this:
As well as artist research I started reading and highlighting and writing notes in my research file and some of the stuff I've looked at is really interesting and I am keen to develop some stuff to do with Ogham as I think that this is quite relevant to my project.
Here's a couple other sketchbook pages that I've done:
- Finish off writing notes in my research file
- Finish of my artist annotation
- Go on at least one investigatory walk that I've wrote about in my sketchbook
- Perhaps find more research topics to add to my file
- Do image transfers based on Social media notes
So hopefully I'll be able to show you those next week ;)
That's all I've got for you right now
See you next time
Róisín -x
Beginning Developments
So the weeks that I have dedicated to research are now over, however I still think I should have a bit more so I am planning on continuing with some research but put it a bit on the back burner but still keep it going. This week I am going to really concentrate on developing my ideas and going on walks this week as I have more time.
What I m planning on getting this week is a small sketch/notepad for me to do drawings of marks people have left behind when I'm on the go.
I've also started my image transfer marks so I'll let you know how they turn out next week. I'm also planning on starting my Instagram account for the marks that I make etc and try to get them noticed by following the advice and steps that I have in my research file.
So here's all the sketchbook pages that I've done this past week.
That's all I've got for you right now
See you next time
Róisín -x
Investigatory Walks Begin
Heyy, so this week I have began proper developments and we finally have a little bit more of an exciting blog post heres :D
This week I have done some more research into remembrance and other things, however this is me sort of at the end of the research stage so I'll only really be doing bits and pieces now and then.
So I went on my first Investigatory Walk to try and sort of get a taste for what sort of marks I could expect to find and also follow the banks of a burn to look into my Narcissus idea. What I have decided to do is to write reports on each walk and then publish them on here, so stay tuned for that :P

Here's how my "Instagram inspired kinda" photos turned out, I think this does sort of work well as a sort of piece however I don't think that I will be taking this idea much further as I am straying a bit further away from looking at social media:
I've been thinking a bit more about how to display my work and thinking a bit more about my exhibition. After talking with my lecturer I am planning on looking a bit more into cataloguing and making my own catalogue of objects that I have found on my walks. So I think that will be the plan for the rest of the week.
Busy busy
So this week has been pretty hectic and busy and I haven't had as much time as I had hoped for to go on walks, although I did manage to get three done.
My next plan carrying on from this is to take photographs of these in almost like a catalogue format, I also need to get an Argos catalogue or something for a bit of background research.
I have also began researching how to take photos that could be used in a catalogue and began experimenting by following some rules online.
I also finished off stuff for my research file and wrote out the results of my survey and added my maps.
I have also began looking at my mark and thought about doing a walk where I predesigned and made a mark to place along a route, so here is the setchbook pages I had with that.
I have also been thinking a lot about display and did a couple experiments in my sketchbook and have started collecting jars that I could maybe use.

So this week I got some feedback on my work and also managed to go for a couple of walks.
The first walk I did was my so called 'Drifting walk'. In this I had premade up some instructions like "turn left" and "at broken wall or fence" and I took out a random pair and followed the instructions. I think this was a good initial drift walk to do as it gave me a basic gist on what to expect if I was to do this again. I really enjoyed this walk as I ventured into places I had never been before, although I think I could be better off getting a compass and then using instructions like "go north" as sometimes there wasn't a left or right to go down.
The next walk I did was where I left phrases from my survey that I did and left them in places around the route I took around Stenhousemuir.
Seeing as I have an interview at Glasgow City College tomorrow, I asked my mentor to look through my sketchbooks at the start of the week. In this he suggested I further an experiment I did way back at the start of this project with involved pining string on a pin board to follow some sort of route. So I did an experiment with this to work out how I could pin my map route onto the board. I went up town to get a few things on Friday so I bought a couple more boards to try and see how they look and I am planning on trying to mount them in frames.
So this week one of our lecturers suggested that we swap each others sketchbooks in class and give each other some feedback. I thought this was a really good idea and think that it worked well, and was extremely helpful to me. The two main points for me was to try and focus down my ideas for this project, which I think I am starting to do, and also maybe label my sketchbooks and try and show where the idea originates in my research file. After getting this feedback this is what I'm focusing on at this very moment so I can get everything organised for the examiners on Thursday D: So far I've labelled and numbered the files in the research folder and have added a contents page so it's easier to navigate, and I am going to go back through my sketchbook and add notes on what page they should look at in the file if they want more information.
I also did some more experiments with taking catalogue pictures by trying to take advantage of daylight and using a tripod and no zoom or flash. I think what might be better for me would be to take these photos in college as the studios have off-white desks and plenty of light.
So that's all I have for you this week, I'm hoping to try and find time next week to do a walk leaving diary notes and also leaving a premade ogham mark, however next week is looking pretty busy, seeing as I have an interview, Frankie Boyle Live, the examiners coming in and babysitting duties.
Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.
Róisín -x
Beginning Developments
So the weeks that I have dedicated to research are now over, however I still think I should have a bit more so I am planning on continuing with some research but put it a bit on the back burner but still keep it going. This week I am going to really concentrate on developing my ideas and going on walks this week as I have more time.
What I m planning on getting this week is a small sketch/notepad for me to do drawings of marks people have left behind when I'm on the go.
I've also started my image transfer marks so I'll let you know how they turn out next week. I'm also planning on starting my Instagram account for the marks that I make etc and try to get them noticed by following the advice and steps that I have in my research file.
So here's all the sketchbook pages that I've done this past week.
That's all I've got for you right now
See you next time
Róisín -x
Investigatory Walks Begin
Heyy, so this week I have began proper developments and we finally have a little bit more of an exciting blog post heres :D
This week I have done some more research into remembrance and other things, however this is me sort of at the end of the research stage so I'll only really be doing bits and pieces now and then.
So I went on my first Investigatory Walk to try and sort of get a taste for what sort of marks I could expect to find and also follow the banks of a burn to look into my Narcissus idea. What I have decided to do is to write reports on each walk and then publish them on here, so stay tuned for that :P
However also in the same topic of social media I have started my Instagram account where I am going to be publishing photos of my work and also try and get them noticed by sticking to the "rules" of trying to get noticed online.
Another thing that I have done this week is start my survey in which I asked people how they wanted to be remembered, the reason for this is I had a plan to go on a walk leaving the answers behind although I am still planning on doing this, I am thinking of making this project a little more personal.
Here's a link anyway if you want to answer it, I did find people's answers to be quite interesting:
I've been thinking a bit more about how to display my work and thinking a bit more about my exhibition. After talking with my lecturer I am planning on looking a bit more into cataloguing and making my own catalogue of objects that I have found on my walks. So I think that will be the plan for the rest of the week.
Busy busy
So this week has been pretty hectic and busy and I haven't had as much time as I had hoped for to go on walks, although I did manage to get three done.
This week my focus has been on display and walks.
With display I looked a bit into how I would present objects in a collection type thing.
The first walk I did was looking at following a route to have the images embedded into the map, I didn't get exactly what I was looking for however I still think it went okay.
The second was a walk specifically to look for found objects which I think worked better because I did manage to find so interesting pieces.
We finished college early one day and so I took this opportunity to walk along the river at the back of the college as there is a public path down there. I think this walk was pretty successful as it was a nice day and so I felt that I got some really good photographs (although I might have got a bit carried away when taking photos of birds). I was also able to find a good range of objects and I even seen a bit of newspaper left in a way that that has given me some ideas for some of my next walks.
My next one will be dérive inspired where I will write out instructions on where to go based on marks that I would see.
So that's all I gots for you this week,
See you next week,
Róisín -x
Walking and Cataloguing
So the main event that happened this week was that I went for a walk next to the River Carron near to my house.
The point in this walk was to leave my mark in ogham behind by using the environment and things that I found.
I also took photos of objects that were left behind, and also collected some of these objects.
I also finished off stuff for my research file and wrote out the results of my survey and added my maps.
I have also began looking at my mark and thought about doing a walk where I predesigned and made a mark to place along a route, so here is the setchbook pages I had with that.
I have sorted put the things that I need for my drifting walk and the phrases printed from my survey to place and plan to do them this Wednesday and Thursday.
So that's all I've got for you just now,
See you next week,
Róisín -x
More Walks!
The first walk I did was my so called 'Drifting walk'. In this I had premade up some instructions like "turn left" and "at broken wall or fence" and I took out a random pair and followed the instructions. I think this was a good initial drift walk to do as it gave me a basic gist on what to expect if I was to do this again. I really enjoyed this walk as I ventured into places I had never been before, although I think I could be better off getting a compass and then using instructions like "go north" as sometimes there wasn't a left or right to go down.
The next walk I did was where I left phrases from my survey that I did and left them in places around the route I took around Stenhousemuir.
Seeing as I have an interview at Glasgow City College tomorrow, I asked my mentor to look through my sketchbooks at the start of the week. In this he suggested I further an experiment I did way back at the start of this project with involved pining string on a pin board to follow some sort of route. So I did an experiment with this to work out how I could pin my map route onto the board. I went up town to get a few things on Friday so I bought a couple more boards to try and see how they look and I am planning on trying to mount them in frames.
This also gave me an idea on another display methods by having holes in paper and having light shine through so that is shows light on the wall. |
So this week one of our lecturers suggested that we swap each others sketchbooks in class and give each other some feedback. I thought this was a really good idea and think that it worked well, and was extremely helpful to me. The two main points for me was to try and focus down my ideas for this project, which I think I am starting to do, and also maybe label my sketchbooks and try and show where the idea originates in my research file. After getting this feedback this is what I'm focusing on at this very moment so I can get everything organised for the examiners on Thursday D: So far I've labelled and numbered the files in the research folder and have added a contents page so it's easier to navigate, and I am going to go back through my sketchbook and add notes on what page they should look at in the file if they want more information.
I also did some more experiments with taking catalogue pictures by trying to take advantage of daylight and using a tripod and no zoom or flash. I think what might be better for me would be to take these photos in college as the studios have off-white desks and plenty of light.
So that's all I have for you this week, I'm hoping to try and find time next week to do a walk leaving diary notes and also leaving a premade ogham mark, however next week is looking pretty busy, seeing as I have an interview, Frankie Boyle Live, the examiners coming in and babysitting duties.
Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.
Róisín -x
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