Some of My Work

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Sunday, 2 March 2014

Egon Schiele Illustrated

Week 24


I did some annotation for some of the artists that I had in my sketchbook. When it comes to annotation, I'm usually terrible at  it, and so, I always leave it to the last minute, which usually makes it worse. However as the year has progressed, I feel that my annotation is getting better, and I am not leaving it to the last minute as much. 
I was thinking of using post-it notes in some way for this project, so I wrote out some examples and filled an entire page with them. I also thought of doing some drawings on post-it notes and started a portrait of Laszlo Biro.


This week we used the calligraphs we made form last week to make prints. I used the one that I made with the leave, but after multiple prints it started to disintegrate slightly because I had to keep on washing it.
We were also introduced to illustrator this week, and we were to  use a self portrait of Egon Schiele, and then using the rectangle tool, make the shapes of the portrait and change their colour.


We went over the time plans we made over the last week and discussed materials and their cost. We then had a presentation about analysis of information, and then we had to make our own presentation. Our presentation was for us to analyse a photograph taken of the college in three different methods.

See you next week-
Róisín -x

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