Week 5
Creative Practise
We're still claying in our 3D class, :) hopefully I'll be finished with it next week and can continue on to the next step, fingers crossed.
I'm also going to make a page on the stereotypical neds of Scotland, and this is what I have so far.
I was also looking at spray paint this week, and looking for different ways I could use it. So I made a stencil with my name on it, considering this is the most common form of graffiti - tagging.
I also spray painted a couple of sketchbook pages, just to look at how the paint runs, blends, and what sort of effect the spray has.
Contextual Studies
This week we had a guest lecture by a student from Glasgow School of Art. She talked about gallery space that new artists use to promote their work. I thought the lecture was really interesting, as this has been something I have been thinking about doing, and this lecture showed me that it is possible to do in your home town, you just need to put the effort into it.
In other news I finally downloaded photoshop, and it only took about four months of thinking about doing it. I only downloaded it today, but got a chance to play around with it for a couple of hours. I realised that I was quite rusty to begin with but the more I drew with it, the more fluent I became with it. I'm sure I am no where near knowing how to do most things with photoshop, but I think I've got the basics pretty much covered, and hop I can be a little more advanced with it, as I am going to try and get at least an hour of practice with it each day.
So that's all folks - until next time
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