Some of My Work

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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Back to college!!!!

So I'm back at college now and ready to throw everything I got at these last few briefs.
I took some photos of some of the things that I have kept from my Catholic days for some installation ideas. 
I also wrote down some info in my sketchbook. I think I'm getting to the end of the research process in this project, and once I finish all the pages that I have started in my sketchbook, I will have finished my first one. I kind of like how this has turned out as this means that I will have one sketchbook dedicated to solid research.

For protest I think I need to hurry up and finish the research part of the brief and get on to some experimentation. Arggghh...

It's kind of been hard to keep on top of all this stuff, because of London and the fact I have the cold again, but hopefully I manage to stay on top of it.

Lets stay positive,

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